How to Tell if a Baby Rabbit Is Dying

If your rabbit is getting old, or if it has been sick, you might exist concerned that your rabbit is nearing decease. Equally you've taken care of and gotten to know your rabbit, yous will have learned what its normal behavior is like. Changes in that beliefs are a sign of a change in wellness, and even death.

A pet rabbit will live for between 6 and 12 years. Signs that a rabbit is near expiry include refusing to swallow, an unusual level of lethargy, difficulty animate, or a sudden change in vital signs. A rabbit should have a torso temperature between 100 degrees Fahrenheit and 104 degrees Fahrenheit, as well as a middle charge per unit between 180 and 250 beats per minute. Skin weather condition such as myiasis, or "flystrike," are also signs that your rabbit's life is in danger. Many rabbits feel involuntary muscle spasms equally they near the final minutes of life.

Every bit much as nosotros love our rabbits, decease is a natural part of life. It is vital that you understand the mutual signs that let you know your rabbit is dying. This will assistance yous know when to take your rabbit to the vet for care, and this knowledge volition as well prepare yous for the worst when information technology comes. We volition at present look at the factors that will warn yous that your rabbit is dying.

How To Know If Your Rabbit is Dying

You lot tin give your pet rabbit a long and good for you life. In captivity, rabbits can live anywhere between 6 and 12 years if kept indoors.

Smaller rabbits live longer than bigger rabbits. The world record for the oldest living rabbit not surprisingly belongs to a 16-year-quondam miniature (dwarf) grey rabbit named Hazel.

As your rabbit nears the terminate of its life, its torso volition change in ways you tin can notice and respond to. Any of these symptoms alone is probable a sign of disease, just not necessarily the imminent death of your rabbit.

However, if more than one of these symptoms is present, it may be nearly the end of your rabbit's life. Agreement the signs that your rabbit is dying volition assist you decide how to handle the end of your pet rabbit's life.

Refusing To Eat Food

The most easily noticeable sign is if information technology will not consume its nutrient. A rabbit needs to consume plenty of hay, grass, and green vegetables to meet its nutritional needs. If your rabbit is not eating at all, something may be wrong.

Co-ordinate to the University of Edinburgh, you can wait a fully developed rabbit to eat less than a younger rabbit. A growing rabbit needs more energy and tin eat up to twice as much nutrient as an developed.

If your grown-up rabbit isn't eating quite equally much as information technology did when it was a baby, this is non necessarily a need for concern. A good for you animal is driven to have in the nutrients it needs to survive, and there'southward no need to force your rabbit to swallow more than it wants if information technology is getting the nutrient it needs.

However, if your rabbit no longer has whatever appetite, this tin can be a sign of illness or being near death. Many illnesses, both concrete and mental, can suppress a rabbit'southward appetite. Lack of appetite could also be a sign of old age. If you are concerned that your rabbit is eating so little that information technology is not getting the nutrients it needs, accept it to a veterinary for a check-upwardly.

dying rabbit behavior

Unusual Level of Lethargy

Rabbits are typically physically active animals. Of form, the activeness level tin can vary between individual rabbits. The longer you've endemic your rabbit, the more than familiar you lot volition be with what is a normal amount of hopping and running around for your pet. You will also know how typically playful your rabbit unremarkably is.

If your rabbit becomes unusually inactive, apathetic virtually playtime and unwilling to perform much physical activity at all, this could be a sign that your rabbit is dying.

Sudden lethargy may also be a sign of stress. To discover out how serious this lethargy is, take your rabbit to a more comfortable environs, free from stressors such as excessive estrus and racket. If your rabbit calms downward and gets upward to play again, then their stillness was due to stress.

If the rabbit still does not seem to want to move at all, then it may be ill or near death. Y'all may wrap it in a blanket and try to requite information technology modest amounts of water to potable through a syringe. If your rabbit refuses to drink, do non force it. Y'all want to avoid making your rabbit choke in its weakened state.

Peel Conditions

Rabbits are very proficient at keeping themselves make clean. However, a rabbit that is non feeling well will pay less attention to grooming itself. While a salubrious rabbit volition have soft, make clean fur and skin, a rabbit that is getting sick may have excessively greasy or matted fur. This lack of fur care can exist an early on sign of a skin status.

Co-ordinate to an commodity in Veterinary Clinics of North America: Exotic Animal Practice, rabbits are vulnerable to a variety of skin diseases. These include parasitic diseases, infectious diseases, and skin tumors. Some of these conditions can lead to death.

Symptoms of these pare conditions include baldheaded patches in your rabbit's fur, dandruff, and also scaling or flaking of the skin.


Ane potentially fatal skin condition for rabbits is myiasis, also commonly called "flystrike." This condition comes from flies laying eggs in a rabbit'due south fur. This tends to happen if the rabbit's fur is dirty with urine or feces, when a rabbit is moisture, or when the rabbit is letting out more than pheromones from its scent glands.

The wing eggs hatch, releasing maggots. The maggots tin can and then eat down into the rabbit's skin. This tin can crusade death for your rabbit as quickly as 24 hours. As such, a buildup of wet, feces, or urine on your rabbit's pare tin exist a sign it will die. Visible maggots on your rabbit's skin are the most imminent sign of decease.

If you notice eggs or maggots on your rabbit'southward skin, take it to a veterinarian immediately. Some maggots may accept already entered your rabbit's skin, and so just picking off the visible maggots will not be enough.

Myiasis tin can exist cured with antibiotics. However, if this condition is not caught early enough, so the rabbit may still die.

Alter in Vital Signs

Every bit a rabbit nears expiry, its vital signs will move out of normal ranges. An animal'southward vital signs include its temperature and heart rate. Hither are the normal vital signs for a good for you rabbit:

  • Temperature: 100-104 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Centre Rate: Between 180 and 250 beats per infinitesimal
  • Breathing Rate: Between 30 and threescore breaths per infinitesimal
  • Capillary Refill Time: 2 seconds or less

Y'all can test the rabbit's trunk temperature with a thermometer. Its centre and breathing rate can be observed with conscientious counting and a timer.

To test capillary refill time, open the rabbit'due south mouth gently printing against the gums around its teeth. As you add pressure, the color will lighten. Afterward you remove the pressure, how long it takes for the gums to come dorsum to their normal colour is the capillary refill time.

If these vital signs are out of the ordinary, especially if this was a sudden alter from one day to some other, it is time to take your rabbit to a vet.

Difficulty Breathing

Healthy rabbits do not breathe very noisily. This is considering rabbits breathe but through their noses, rather than their mouths.

This means that a stuffy nose is an unhealthy sign. If your rabbit sounds like it has a common cold, that tin can exist a sign of disease, including illnesses that get out information technology close to death. Signs of difficulty breathing include the post-obit:

  • Gasping
  • Wheezing
  • Cough
  • Oral cavity animate
  • Shortness of breath
  • Flared nostrils
  • Sneezing
  • Runny olfactory organ

Rabbits volition also breathe harder when they are stressed. Causes of stress for a rabbit tin include hearing loud noises, experiencing overcrowding, the presence of predators, being chased, and being handled roughly.

Try to remove any sources of stress and see if your rabbit's breathing returns to normal. If not, there may be a more than serious underlying cause.

A rabbit which is near death will have noisy, agitated animate. Its breaths may come up in fits and starts. This is often referred to as a "death rattle" for its unsettling audio and its association with the end of the rabbit's life.

Change in Urine or Feces

Keep an centre on how often your rabbit urinates and defecates, and what the waste looks similar afterwards. A change in urine or carrion can be a alarm sign for a dying rabbit. With carrion, watch out for changes in texture, color, or odor. With urine, traces of claret is a sign that something is wrong.

If your rabbit is not defecating at all, this may exist gastrointestinal stasis. GI stasis is a common sign of illness or poor wellness. It commonly happens when a rabbit stops eating, and the digestive system as a whole slows down.

This may be a sign that your rabbit is not getting sufficient nutrients from its nutrition and is related to the symptom of refusing to swallow. A rabbit needs a moving digestive arrangement in social club to survive. If your rabbit has non defecated or urinated in over 6 hours, you should contact a veterinary to find out if treatment is necessary.

Diarrhea, or excessively loose carrion, is a typical part of a rabbit's declining health as information technology nears the end of its life. This is also a sign of dehydration. It is common for a rabbit to uncontrollably release its bowels in the minutes before information technology dies.

Symptoms of a Dying Rabbit

Unusual Noises

If your rabbit is making unusual noises, this tin can be a sign that it is not well. A rabbit that feels uncomfortable may grind its teeth audibly. When it is in pain, especially if it is frightened, a rabbit screams. As a rabbit nears the end of its life, especially if an affliction is a function of its death, then it may let out involuntary groaning or squeaking sounds.

Other sounds to go along an ear out for are the sounds associated with difficulty breathing. This include sneezing, snuffling, gasping, and wheezing.


While dying, a rabbit volition often brainstorm to drool. It tin let out a lot more than saliva than you would look from such a pocket-size animate being, specially if the rabbit has not been drinking much water. The rabbit's fur will blot some of the drool, but it may withal brand a mess.

Your rabbit may also have a swollen face or mouth as the credible cause of the drooling. If you await inside the rabbit'south mouth and its gums are pale white, yellow, or blueish, this may exist a sign of additional illness.


If your rabbit is shivering even though the room is nicely warm, this can exist a sign of shock. A rabbit volition also shake every bit it nears decease if it is frightened. This fear may exist because of an external stressor, but it may also be a response to the rabbit'due south own symptoms. A rabbit's dying symptoms can exist only as unsettling for the rabbit as they are to you.

You can put a light coating over the rabbit to give it some comfort. Even so, do non constrict the blanket effectually the rabbit. Let it room to move effectually if it needs to.

Involuntary Spasms

A rabbit virtually death ofttimes experiences involuntary spasms in which its body jerks uncontrollably. This may look like a fit.

During one of these fits, the rabbit may hit itself confronting whatever nearby objects or walls. For the comfort of the rabbit, it is best to clear a large space out on the floor and set down a blanket for the rabbit to prevarication on.

Your rabbit may too demonstrate a loss of command over its limbs, or a sudden lack of coordination. It will not be able to walk directly, and may bump into things. Frequently when a rabbit reaches this stage, it will hibernate away under whatever cover it can find. This is a expert instinct for a ill prey animal in the wild, though information technology may go far hard for you to find and comfort your pet.

Taking care of your rabbit extends all the way through its life, until its final moments. By making yourself familiar with your rabbit's normal beliefs and checking for these signs, you lot will know when your rabbit is dying and be able to requite it the comfort it needs right up to the end.


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