How to Make a Smurf Account on Xbox

"Smurf" accounts are such a nuisance on Xbox Live and PSN.

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  • #1
When this gen began, a significant feature was the ease of sharing Xbox Live Gold/PS+ memberships with all accounts on the same console. Before I begin my little rant, I'm not disputing the major benefits and cost savings of sharing the memberships. Overall, I'm in favor of the feature simply because it is so beneficial to so many people. But man, it has really removed the thrill of most types of ranked multiplayer games. Because it's so easy to create a new account and quickly jump into ranked games with a clean slate, it's creating a mess when matchmaking. I obviously don't have any statistics backing this up, but on XBL the number of low level players with randomly generated gamertags is incredibly high. They are easy to spot since the format for the names is always an adjective, noun, and then a string of numbers, like "FaintColt388301" from that infamous thread on the old site. Either that or it's a gimmicky name like "Tilted Torbjorn" for Overwatch. Just about every game has some combination of someone that is playing at a skill level below where they should be, or someone not caring because it's an alternate account.

I know smurfing is certainly not exclusive to consoles, but it's so easy since all it takes is 5 minutes and a burner email to jump in. Then all that is required is to meet the game's requirement for entering ranked matches. For Halo 5, IIRC, you can pretty much jump right in. For Overwatch, there is the small hurdle of getting to level 25, but that doesn't take long.

Have any PC games been able to combat smurfing with any success? I'm not big into CS:GO, but I thought they had a system where you could tie a phone number to an account to "authenticate" it to at least slow down smurfs? It's also a bit of a different animal on PC when smurfing can require a purchase of another account, which I doubt publishers are hellbent on stopping. Online passes were interesting a few years ago which could have potentially slowed down smurfing, but again, the negatives of online passes far outweigh the comparatively small issue of alternate accounts in ranked play. Is there any way this could be dealt with without completely ruining the benefits of sharing XBL/PS+ memberships on a console?

  • #2
Some games prevent you from playing with your friends if you're at too high of a level. That's the only reason I made one on overwatch so I could play with my group of friends.
  • #3
Agree on this.

Thats why starting to hate playing PvP in some games.

  • #4
Definitely a thing on PSN as well, see it all the time and hear people openly talk about in R6 Siege. Dunno what can be done about it or if anything even should be done about it, in the games I tend to play rank based matchmaking never seems to matter. (Battlefield, R6 Siege.)

Reminds me of the early XBL days, back in Halo 2 high ranked players would purposely "delevel" so they could get matched against lower leveled players.

  • #5
While I'm sure some people smurf, I don't think it would be that big of a deal. Generally, players outside of the top 1% will still have massive flaws in their gameplay styles that you can advantage of.

I don't bat an eye when I see possible smurfs nowadays. If they were really so good they would be having fun in their own rank.

  • #6
Some games prevent you from playing with your friends if you're at too high of a level. That's the only reason I made one on overwatch so I could play with my group of friends.
I had to do this for CS:GO too

Sorry noobs, but you can blame Valve for me taking your soul. Stupid ass company tried to tell me I'm too high of a rank to play with friends.

  • #7
Have any PC games been able to combat smurfing with any success? I'm not big into CS:GO, but I thought they had a system where you could tie a phone number to an account to "authenticate" it to at least slow down smurfs? It's also a bit of a different animal on PC when smurfing can require a purchase of another account, which I doubt publishers are hellbent on stopping. Online passes were interesting a few years ago which could have potentially slowed down smurfing, but again, the negatives of online passes far outweigh the comparatively small issue of alternate accounts in ranked play. Is there any way this could be dealt with without completely ruining the benefits of sharing XBL/PS+ memberships on a console?


Rainbow Six Siege at least on PC is full with smurfs too
I understand Diamond/High Elo players doing that cause they search a lot longer for matches but cause of how quick you are again at Diamond Rank they usually are back at where they were before in like days or if they are Proplayers in hours.
But its at least in Siege a motivational thing too - If you are Diamond you can grind out "unlimited" Elo but at a certain point level you get for a win like 1-2 points or even lose ONE point cause of how much lower the other team was even though you won the game.

  • #8
Some games prevent you from playing with your friends if you're at too high of a level. That's the only reason I made one on overwatch so I could play with my group of friends.

That's definitely another reason it's a tough issue to solve. Basically every reason for an alt account is legitimate - you paid for your game and a PSN/XBL account, you can use the services however you like within the terms of service. The only issue really arises is when people intentionally throw matches to de-rank or stay at a low rank, or are circumventing a ban on a main account, which I rarely ever run into.
While I'm sure some people smurf, I don't think it would be that big of a deal. Generally, players outside of the top 1% will still have massive flaws in their gameplay styles that you can advantage of.

I don't bat an eye when I see possible smurfs nowadays. If they were really so good they would be having fun in their own rank.

I should have been more clear - the number of textbook definition "smurfs" is probably pretty low. It's more the alt account factor. Hearing people say "I don't really care if we lose, I'll just go back to my other account" is kind of crushing to hear when you want to play a competitive mode.
  • #9

Rainbow Six Siege at least on PC is full with smurfs too
I understand Diamond/High Elo players doing that cause they search a lot longer for matches

I should amend my previous post above. This is a pretty legit reason for smurfing, but your chance of encountering smurfs of this skill level are somewhat low.
  • #10
Reminds me of the early XBL days, back in Halo 2 high ranked players would purposely "delevel" so they could get matched against lower leveled players.

I haven't smurfed in a very long time, but I remember doing it in Halo 2 to help friends in Team Slayer/Double Team, and using these bad boys to do it
  • #11
Here is a picture I took of a recent console match I played. My name scratched out. How many smurfs can you spot?

EDIT: changed to some other image service that isn't shit like Imgur

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  • #12
I should have been more clear - the number of textbook definition "smurfs" is probably pretty low. It's more the alt account factor. Hearing people say "I don't really care if we lose, I'll just go back to my other account" is kind of crushing to hear when you want to play a competitive mode.

Ah, it depends on the context and tone in which they say it for that. If they sound super salty they probably don't have an alt account. If they sound calm, they probably do.
  • #13
games that block you to play with friends if you are too high i dont blame em, others its kinda like...really?
  • #14
It's not that big of a problem as some make it out to be, but it is a little annoying encountering them on CSGO:

You've mastered snapshoting, your grenade throws are pinpoint accurate, and you've been one-tap headshotting everyone with the AK and I'm supposed to believe that you only have 40 hours in the game? Okay.

  • #15
It's not that big of a problem as some make it out to be, but it is a little annoying encountering them on CSGO:

You've mastered snapshoting, your grenade throws are pinpoint accurate, and you've been one-tap headshotting everyone with the AK and I'm supposed to believe that you only have 40 hours in the game? Okay.

back when I played cs:go, I had a ranking round against some smurfs with very expensive gun skins and got mopped
Sir Guts
  • #16
Last time I smurfed was in Halo 2 just to play with my friends. I would never make a smurf just to play with a less skilled players than me in any game. No fun in that at all
  • #17
Here is a picture I took of a recent console match I played. My name scratched out. How many smurfs can you spot?

EDIT: changed to some other image service that isn't shit like Imgur

The Torb is definitly the smurf account. I mean look at that comp!
  • #18
Here is a picture I took of a recent console match I played. My name scratched out. How many smurfs can you spot?

EDIT: changed to some other image service that isn't shit like Imgur

Not just console but on PC as well. OW is one of the most cancerous games in terms of smurfing.

The game goes on sale so often and top streamers like MoonMoon and Calvin just openly talk about and play using their smurfs.

For all i know i could have went up against MoonMoon at some point and gotten demolished by him.

  • #19
My Mario Kart 8 rating is around 14,000, but I only play online with friends with around 6,000. I let them join a worldwide race so they get matched with similarly ranked players, then I join them, so I usually play as a 14,000 in races filled with 5,000 - 7,000's.

Am I a bad person?

  • #20
It's pretty bad on console Siege. You see lots of squads rolling with a smurf or two to help farm MMR. Occasionally with accounts intentionally de-ranked to Copper 4...Siege instituted a level requirement but it was well after launch so plenty of smurfs were grandfathered in by virtue of leveling up in ranked mode.

It's fairly common on Rocket League as well. It's less of a problem there though as Rocket League doesn't seem to ever tighten your confidence rating to the degree that Siege does. You get to the point in a season of Siege where wins only give you +8 points or so and the next rank is 400 points off... like, ok... I'll rank up one level if I win my next 50 matches in a row... Rocket League is always like 2-3 wins per division, and and 3 divisions per rank... not to mention the games are like one fifth the length on average.

  • #21
Absolute bane of my existence in Siege, where there is a huge skill ceiling. Completely throws balancing out the window.
  • #22
Rainbow Six Siege at least on PC is full with smurfs too

There are LOTS of them. I'm a mid-range level 125 player, but I'm constantly getting matched against level 30 players playing like pro gamers. It feels like they are cheating, but after watching the replay it just seems they are very, very good. Gold rank is out of reach for me if this continues...
Deleted member 11093
  • #23
Nothing is pettier than a smurf who does it because he keeps getting bodied by people around his level. The only reason you aren't getting better is because you're busy bullying low level players, dumbass.
Alandrus Sun
  • #24
Here is a picture I took of a recent console match I played. My name scratched out. How many smurfs can you spot?

EDIT: changed to some other image service that isn't shit like Imgur

That looks like quick play. Why would you be mad over "smurfs" in a quick playmatch? Just have fun.

As for smurfing in general, there is no solution to smurfing. Smurfing isn't a problem. The new mechanics of competitive games are the problems. I'm going to speak of this as a Master player in Overwatch and a Legend[5] player in DOTA2. The reason people smurf apart from they dont want to lose rating is practice. Overwatch Quick Play does not help a diamond and above player get any better at Overwatch. Sure, it can improve your tracking and your aim but it isn't going to help your game sense. When you get to Diamond and above in Overwatch, the game becomes more proper. Instead of being a death match, where players just run at the checkpoint, stagger and die 24/7. Teams will group up with every clash, and synergize super well. The game becomes less non-stop action and more like big waves of combat with a calming period before each clash. You don't get that organization in Quick Play where people do treat it as a death match. This makes people want to practice without penalty to their rank but they have no option to other than to make a second account and calibrate again. That's what many players do. I've been using Overwatch as the example. But it's no different what the game is. As a player rises in rank, the game is more about team organization and strategy than skill and you just wont find that in quick play matches. I mean, the difference between low, moderate, and high MMR in DOTA2 is baffling from ward placement, smoke ganks, rotations, etc- almost every aspect of that super complex game is reflected in the quality of the game

As for the Steam Phone number thing, yes. In DOTA2 and CS:GO you have to register a phone number to play ranked. But it doesn't stop smurfs. With a quick google search, I already found a website that will give you a disposable number. That's enough to tie it to your account, receive the SMS code and then throw that number away. It really isn't a solution

  • #25
Reminds me of the early XBL days, back in Halo 2 high ranked players would purposely "delevel" so they could get matched against lower leveled players.

Actually the reasoning behind this was to absolutely tank an account with losses so you would seem to servers like the absolute worst person imaginable.

You then once you had an absolutely ridiculously bad account use that to play ranked with a fresh account.
The fresh account would gain 2-3 levels every game making getting them to the highest rank would take 15-20 games max.
People used to offer this as a boosting service and make $$$$ from it, I certainly did as a teen. Was good fun.

As one of the other benefits to this service was also playing really bad players and stomping them.
The only times it became a hassle was when you ran into a fellow booster and you'd then have to duke it out.

Man I miss Halo 2-3

Petruccis Biceps
  • #26
It's everywhere in rocket league. Very obvious and annoying.

When you see Rookies and Experts doing ceiling aerial dodges at the goal, it's so obvious.

  • #27
I get really annoyed playing Rocket League and someone calls me a smurf with 500 hours on my steam account clearly showing that I played a bit.....its not my fault it takes so long to get to Veteran from Pro damn it.

But....I don't really think I've had too many issues with smurfs, now I do remember boosting being a fucking massive issue in the old halo days

  • #28
Was a smurf in Splatoon 1 when Nintendo changed the matchmaking during SplatFests
and I only had like what... 6 possible opponents and had to wait 30min for a match (if lucky).

I wanted to play games on my level but the system didn't let me

  • #29
what the heck is smurfing if not smurfs surfing?
  • #31
If Street Fighter V Allowed me to rank up characters individually without being punished I would have no Need for Dick Seal NZ
  • #32
It's everywhere in rocket league. Very obvious and annoying.

When you see Rookies and Experts doing ceiling aerial dodges at the goal, it's so obvious.

while your gold tier 3 ranked partner reverses around the pitch, missing standard passes.
  • #33
Smurfing doesn't bother me too much really, I suppose it's done to repeatedly play against lesser "skilled" players, but seems quite sad to me really, you'd never progress past a certain point and go make another account again.
What's annoying me lately is PSN spam accounts seemingly. Just random people messaging me "hi" or whatever, not as severe now, it was really bad at one point where I was getting like 3/4 messages a day.
  • #34
The problem with being a top end player in a game with aggressive skill based matchmaking is that you get stuck in super sweaty games 24/7 and end up being forced into using certain classes/weapons in order to be competitive. Sometimes you just want to mess around without throwing games, and if there aren't unranked modes without skill based matchmaking then I don't blame anyone for making a smurf account to mess around with.

This is partly why I still Battlefield way more than most other games. Other than balancing teams before a round starts there's really no skill based matchmaking going on. People of all skill levels can join any given server. Some matches will be tough as hell, others pretty easy. It allows you to fool around when appropriate without screwing your entire team over while also having rounds where you have to try your ass off to win. It's a good balance.

  • #35
what the heck is smurfing if not smurfs surfing?

Take any multiplayer game with matchmaking. You, as a high ranked player, create a new account so the system puts you against new players so you can run laps around them.
Barrel Cannon
  • #36
I always felt MS and PSN should force studios to segregate ranked matching and normal matchmaking play for the whole shared account thing. Limit ranked to only one profile on the account. You'd have a lot less smurfs. It would only be people willing to shell out for a secondary Gold or PS+ account.
  • #37
Its been a nuisance on PC too primarily competitive games like Oversnatch, CSGO, Dota2. I mean sure go ahead use a smurf account if you think you're good enough. But fuck off I you just use a smurf account to troll and ruin the new players experience.
Petruccis Biceps
  • #38
while your gold tier 3 ranked partner reverses around the pitch, missing standard passes.

Haha absolutely. Rocket League is kind of infuriating in all shapes and sizes :P
  • #39
I'm still for a system that limits the number of accounts that can play a ranked mode on your Xbox One (and potentially other platforms).

I did (like many others) make a suggestion for Halo 5 in that regard, because they were asking what can be done against smurf accounts. Josh Menke, the Lead Engagement Designer combined the ideas of people, but I doubt that it was ever impemented:

Some of you suggested we track who has already played Halo 5 on their Xbox and prevent them from playing with new accounts after a certain point. [...]

I sort of combined the various ideas and I have a new one to propose to see what you all think: After playing with 2 accounts on the same machine, additional accounts need to be at least SR 30 to play ranked.

Something like this would definitely do wonders.
  • #40
Can someone explain to me why this is an issue?

If a person wants to play ranked with a friend but isn't able to then what's the solution? If you had started the season at the same time the skill differential would still be there, so I don't see the problem.

I'm still for a system that limits the number of accounts that can play a ranked mode on your Xbox One (and potentially other platforms).

I did (like many others) make a suggestion for Halo 5 in that regard, because they were asking what can be done against smurf accounts. Josh Menke, the Lead Engagement Designer combined the ideas of people, but I doubt that it was ever impemented:

Something like this would definitely do wonders.

How long does it take to hit SR30? I know it doesn't stop Overwatch by having lv25 before you can get into ranked.
  • #41
Matchmaking, Ranks, Stats and Unlocks were a mistake. Bring back server lists and let me join whatever I want with everything unlocked for everybody from the beginning.
  • #42
Actually the reasoning behind this was to absolutely tank an account with losses so you would seem to servers like the absolute worst person imaginable.

You then once you had an absolutely ridiculously bad account use that to play ranked with a fresh account.
The fresh account would gain 2-3 levels every game making getting them to the highest rank would take 15-20 games max.
People used to offer this as a boosting service and make $$$$ from it, I certainly did as a teen. Was good fun.

As one of the other benefits to this service was also playing really bad players and stomping them.
The only times it became a hassle was when you ran into a fellow booster and you'd then have to duke it out.

Man I miss Halo 2-3

Wow I had no idea it was so involved lol. I just remember getting quite upset that random people on my Team would be trying to lose on purpose to delevel.
  • #43
I want a premium matchmaking service like esea for overwatch. The subscription fee deters the vast majority of smurfs/cheaters, plus you get moderators instead of automated systems.
  • #44
Matchmaking, Ranks, Stats and Unlocks were a mistake. Bring back server lists and let me join whatever I want with everything unlocked for everybody from the beginning.
This is how I feel as well. There are a ton of people that wouldn't even play a game without those things though even if the core gameplay was identical otherwise. It suck but I can't see many games in the future dropping those.
  • #45
How long does it take to hit SR30? I know it doesn't stop Overwatch by having lv25 before you can get into ranked.

About 310,000XP, but I don't know what the current payouts are per match. Kinda depends on game modes, challenges (commendations) and EXP boosts.

But the SR30 rank is most likely just a placeholder to make an example. It could be easily adjusted, in case that it's not high enough. Sucks that it doesn't help in Overwatch, though.

Oxnard Montalvo
  • #46
I play Smite on Xbox and PS4. If I use my main account my friends are typically matched with players around my account level and it isnt fun for them.
  • #47
Matchmaking, Ranks, Stats and Unlocks were a mistake. Bring back server lists and let me join whatever I want with everything unlocked for everybody from the beginning.

I liked server lists but this would be a horrible nightmare for any big AAA game.

Also it'd require servers.

  • #48
This is how I feel as well. There are a ton of people that wouldn't even play a game without those things though even if the core gameplay was identical otherwise. It suck but I can't see many games in the future dropping those.
People need those bars to fill and numbers to brag about ;)
  • #49
I don't play competitive games online often so I just learned of this term recently through Echo Arena.

Those people are so infuriating in that game sometimes.

  • #50
It has gotten better since PS2 days. Tying it to digital purchases has helped. It is much worse on PC.
It's everywhere in rocket league. Very

Yeah and always a PC player. I am all for PSN only mode on PS4.

How to Make a Smurf Account on Xbox


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